Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spring? Where are you?

Well, it is snowing here in Austin and it is so beautiful! I really like that we get snow so randomly because I enjoy getting excited about weather. Everyone is secretly so happy to see snow. When my sister Stacy lived in NY she got VERY sick of the cold weather there (as would I). But I just love this crazy Texas weather. When it snows two days after it was 80 degrees I just smile and remember who is in complete control of our world and weather! :)

I had an impromptu snowball fight with some people and got hit a couple times before my class which I arrived to dripping and absolutely frozen!

When my class was over I walked past where we had the fight and there were still some people there. A couple guys threw snowballs at me which I blocked with my umbrella and they yelled "Man UP!" which I replied to with "Im a Woman!". He said "touche" and they left me alone.

I loved feeling like a kid and being so excited about the snow!

Hope y'all are having a great day and staying warm..I am drinking some cocoa and watching a Cary Grant movie in my warm apartment.

Love, Amy

p.s. Fireplaces are USELESS without firewood! :( :(


  1. Yay for hot cocoa and cary GRant!! Great idea! We should both post some pictures of our snow days. :) lol about the snowball fight...

  2. Glad you enjoyed it:). I should post some photos.

  3. Ooo, which one? You could go get some firewood at the ranch, that's what we do. :)

  4. I can't remember the name! He was pretty young though. I should get some firewood! haha
