Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dogs will be dogs

My friend Ali and I returned to her apartment after working out last night and when we walked we were greeted by a host of smells and ripped up paper. Her roommate's dog had gotten into a lot of stuff and had knocked my phone off of the counter and had chewed on it! Thankfully my wallet and clutch were OK but I was disconcerted about my phone. It still worked but was so mangled I really did not want to use it anymore, plus it was having technical difficulties ( automatically recording my conversations and deciding that it wanted me to "please say a command" at any random time). I went down to Verizon and with a renewal of my contract I got a smart looking little red phone. It is pretty cute..See....

I don't use the key board part of it which I suppose is a waste.
The dog was not harmed, but should have been. I also had twenty dollars that was torn but not eaten!

See ya later!
- Amy


  1. Aw, I like the phone. Atleast nothing else got eaten. :) Haha, how do you put a photo in a post?

  2. Ummm When you make a new blog post you can see a little picture image and you just click on it..If you need me to show ya I can! :)
    Yeah I would have been sooo mad if my purse had gotten chewed on!

  3. Oh that's annoying! Thank goodness the clutch was safe.
