Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Gig is Up!

A quick post for the morning! :)

Okay so obviously I was not expecting to completely blend into this village as a Spainard but I thought I was doing a pretty good job at it...Until this morning. Yesterday when I was walking in the village I was able to communicate what I needed in Spanish and everyone tends to talk to me first in Spanish. (Also, it's not like I walk around with a fanny pack and an old navy 2011 fourth of July shirt on). Needless to say I felt like I was doing a pretty good job at keeping my "cover". And then this morning I was walking the children to their school where they are attending an English camp and when we arrived at the school there were the English teachers(Spaniards teaching English) and lots of other children around. Even though I have never met any of the teachers they ALL said "hello", "how are you?" and a couple of them said "see you later". I guess they had heard there was an American coming to stay with Marco and Paula? Anyways, this may not make much sense to you but I thought it was pretty funny that they all spoke to me in English... Maybe they are practicing? Who knows. It is funny to think that I am pretty much the token American here in the village. Anyways... I hope you all are having a wonderful morning back in America! Rise and Shine! :)

~Eime (this is how Paula spelled my name today...? haha)

p.s. No pictures for this post but here is a picture of what I have to do to charge my computer...Looks safe, right?


  1. I just posted a comment and the stupid internet lost it.. :( I love that they all speak spanish to you first! I'm sure the English camp people had just heard about you already.. haha small towns. :)

    That's cute that he spelled your name that way. When you think about it, it really does say "Amy", just spelled with Spanish phonics! hah!

  2. I miss you buff! you need to figure out how to work skype! lol yeah it just made me laugh and I eventually had to write it out so that they could understand how to spell my name=)

  3. so much fun to see what you are up to andtravel Spain through your blog spot...this is my first "blog" experience:) Praying for you. Love you...Jane
