Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Five things I have learned about Spain thus Far!

I love this village!

I thought that yall might like to know some little things I have learned since I have been here. Just a couple of fun facts that I found to be interesting about this region of Spain and the people I have been in contact with! I am very tired today because I did not really get to sleep much last night. I did not fall asleep until 4:00 :(.

1. Pretty much every person I have met has been very warm and welcoming. I mentioned the fact that they give you a slight hug and a kiss on each cheek whenever they first meet you. It took me a little while to get used to this! haha! Also, the people Rebeca has introduced me to (a couple of her friends own shops in the village) have been very willing to help me. They always say "if you have any problem. You come here and we take care of it! Es nothing Aimyyyy (Amy)!"

2. Meals are taken very late in the day (lunch and dinner). I know what everyone is saying, 'of course they do! It is Europe!'. But I guess I never thought about it until I really experienced finishing lunch at 3:30 and dinner at 10:00! haha!

3. I am one of the tallest people around. The first thing that Rebeca said to me when she met me was "you are SO tall!". It is not that the people I have met are super short or that there is no one that is taller than me. But I have yet to meet a person that is significantly taller than me.

4. During my run yesterday in the village I passed a car that had stopped in the road. Other cars began to pile up behind it and when I circled around a few minutes later I noticed that there was a significant amount of traffic being caused by this one little car. The thing that is most interesting (I am sure you are probably wondering what I am getting at) is that NO ONE was honking or yelling and I saw no signs of frustration from any of the drivers. As I was circling around and ran past the car that was stopped I believe it was a REALLY old french couple who were confused about the roads and were talking to a lady in the street. The lady was then helping the couple get out of their car and from what I could hear she was going to drive them to their location! Anyways so it is interesting to see the different temperaments of different countries. Here in the village of Puigcerda the people are very relaxed and you often stand in line for a few minutes and listen to the customer in front of you gossip or catch up with the salesperson! It is really quite nice and it suits my personality just fine.

5. Even though I am in a completely different country it is fun to see the similarities! I have taken some pictures of these similarities:).

Okay so I don't have a picture of what I think the similarity is but what I was going to say is that people in Spain are also quick to marvel at beauty and take pictures of beautiful things. How awesome is our God that He created such wonderful things for us to enjoy! Incredible!

They read about Michael Phelps! :) Apparently he too is a human being and got Silver in the 200m race. Tsk tsk. He is slipping.
The children play video games...and LOTS of them. This is Hugo. He is the cousin of Marco and Paula. He has a little brother who is three and very blonde! :) Some of the cutest kids I have ever seen have been in Puigcerda. Perfect skin and beautiful hair!
They watch Friends!! For those of you who know me. I am sure you can understand why I was excited about this fact :).
Es todo por el dia! Estoy a la caminar con el perro, "Rocky".


~Amy Elinor

p.s. please feel free to correct my Spanish. Really not sure if I said that last bit correctly.:)


  1. How funny! I love all of this and I'll bet it would help your Spanish to watch Friends, right. ;) Keep the posts coming!

  2. lol they have Friends!? awesome! :)

    I love this post--I love knowing what it's like there!! I'm so glad you love it!

  3. Excellent post!! So interesting... "please, sir, can I have some more." Posts that is...keep 'em coming!

  4. Ah I LOVE your posts! So glad you are loving it- and that they have Friends!:)
