Friday, August 6, 2010


Doesn't this Gardenia look like is smells amazing?? :) I love Gardenias!

Last Sunday I found myself in my green Toyota Camry lost in some random part of Richmond, Texas trying to get myself to a wedding on time. I was flustered and annoyed when I finally arrived at the wedding (slightly late) and as I settled into my seat, I realized something.....
I smelled. Not a good smell by any means but a kind of sweaty, embarrassing smell that comes when you forget your deodorant and then sit in a dark green car with leather seats with a heat index of at least a hundred degrees (no matter how much you run the AC, it's still hot) for about an hour.
ANYWAYS the reason why I am talking about this is because I did not realize I smelled bad until I sat down in the lovely, cool church which had fresh roses decorating the aisles. I thought that it was very interesting that I did not realize I smelled until I surrounded myself with people and a place that smelled good. This made me think about the power that those you spend time with have over you. If you are constantly surrounded by people who do not live their lives for Christ you may find that their "scent" permeates your body.
I really believe this is why Christ tells us is Psalm 1:1-2 "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers: 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night."
So I would encourage you to be careful of who you are surrounding yourself with. I have honestly struggled with this issue myself but the Lord is clear about the way you should live your life. Do not walk, stand, or sit near the wicked, those who sin, or those who scoff.

Have a lovely day! :)



  1. ugh, that's awful that that happened to you, but it's such a good illustration! And you happened to tell me recently that the sense of smell is always the first of the senses to acclimate to change. That could somehow work into your analogy here, I'm just not quite sure how. just that it doesn't take long to become desensitized to things, I guess.
