Friday, March 5, 2010

Heavy. Frightened.

It has been a long week. I have worked or volunteered everyday along with writing two papers and going to class! I know there are people out there who do a lot more than I do in a week but that was a lot for me considering I only took twelve hours last semester and did not have a job. Ha!

Anyways...So I finished working today at 4:30 but I had a babysitting job close to work at 5:30 so I decided to stay close by and go to a nearby starbucks. As I walked in I noticed a woman who looked a bit odd... Being in Austin for about 8 months now I am not surprised when I see someone who looks kind of different ( "Keep Austin Weird" right?). Well, it was not a woman, it was in fact a man dressed as a woman. I smiled at him/her and quietly drank my coffee and read my Bible. Along with my Bible I was reading John Piper's book "Pierced by the Word, Thirty-one Meditations for Your Soul", it is a great read and I would highly recommend it. The chapter (or day?) I am on is about Hell. John Piper quotes Dorothy Sayers "... it is explicit in many of the most familiar parables and implicit in many more: it bulks far larger in the teaching than one realizes, until one reads the Evangelists through instead of picking out the most comfortable texts: one cannot get rid of it without tearing the New Testament to tatters. We cannot repudiate Hell without altogether repudiating Christ.". 5:10 rolled around and I had to leave but as I was leaving the Lord convicted me about this person. He was obviously confused and maybe he needed someone to talk to. I could say I was late and had to get to my babysitting job but we all know the sovereignty of our God. I really was too selfish to strike up a conversation. I say too selfish but I really mean too scared. Honestly, talking to someone about Christ really scares me. But after my reading today and some real soul searching I have decided that I am MUCH more frightened about someone suffering an eternity in Hell. So please pray for me as I try to conquer my fears and open up my heart to the opportunities God presents for me. And please pray for the aforementioned person. Maybe I will see them again.

With a heavy heart,
Amy Elinor


  1. Oh Amy, this is so amazing! It really is scary, and you're afraid they'll be turned off or offended, but the truth is, EVERYONE, at some point in their lives, NEEDS to be "offended" with the gospel! I'll be praying for you!

  2. aha, so we've both been un-bloggy lately... hmmm. It must be that time of year. :)
