Anyways...So I finished working today at 4:30 but I had a babysitting job close to work at 5:30 so I decided to stay close by and go to a nearby starbucks. As I walked in I noticed a woman who looked a bit odd... Being in Austin for about 8 months now I am not surprised when I see someone who looks kind of different ( "Keep Austin Weird" right?). Well, it was not a woman, it was in fact a man dressed as a woman. I smiled at him/her and quietly drank my coffee and read my Bible. Along with my Bible I was reading John Piper's book "Pierced by the Word, Thirty-one Meditations for Your Soul", it is a great read and I would highly recommend it. The chapter (or day?) I am on is about Hell. John Piper quotes Dorothy Sayers "... it is explicit in many of the most familiar parables and implicit in many more: it bulks far larger in the teaching than one realizes, until one reads the Evangelists through instead of picking out the most comfortable texts: one cannot get rid of it without tearing the New Testament to tatters. We cannot repudiate Hell without altogether repudiating Christ.". 5:10 rolled around and I had to leave but as I was leaving the Lord convicted me about this person. He was obviously confused and maybe he needed someone to talk to. I could say I was late and had to get to my babysitting job but we all know the sovereignty of our God. I really was too selfish to strike up a conversation. I say too selfish but I really mean too scared. Honestly, talking to someone about Christ really scares me. But after my reading today and some real soul searching I have decided that I am MUCH more frightened about someone suffering an eternity in Hell. So please pray for me as I try to conquer my fears and open up my heart to the opportunities God presents for me. And please pray for the aforementioned person. Maybe I will see them again.
With a heavy heart,
Amy Elinor